W. B. Potter Society Membership
In 1949, W. B. "Pete" Potter, Eastman Kodak Company's Vice President of Advertising knew Rochester was fortunate to have a great deal of marketing resources and passionate people who wanted to put their talents – and their money – to work on important issues.
Today, the W. B. Potter Society is a tribute to both Pete's legacy and the community-minded individuals who support Causewave Community Partners' work. By making a donation of $250 or more each year, you can be a part of this unique group of leaders—who don't just fund initiatives—they fund measurable and meaningful community change.
Why join? Here's what Jack Kraushaar, longtime volunteer and Chair of the Potter Society has to say:
Albert Einstein once said that logic will get you from A to Z, but imagination will get you everywhere. Causewave Community Partners has proven that for decades—by coming up with imaginative creative solutions for our community's toughest problems.
I donate to the W. B. Potter Society not just because it is a tribute to Causewave's founder, but because I want to be a part of a group that uses its imagination and knows how to solve problems. We help fund complex issues- everything from reducing childhood lead poisoning to putting an end to distracted driving.
And I'm proud to be a part of these solutions. This organization, and this community, deserves our support. Won't you join me?
Generous gifts and support from individuals like you are the lifeblood of the work we do and help to ensure Causewave Community Partners programs and campaigns have the broadest reach possible. As the year progresses, we'll keep you updated on the impact your gift is having through invite-only presentations and networking opportunities. You will also be recognized as a member of this society on our website, in public thank you ads, and at our Annual Celebration each year.
Your donation is an investment in Rochester's quality of life. Together, we'll carry on the legacy of W. B. Potter for the betterment of the community in which we live. Today, tomorrow and for generations to come.